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Артур конан дойл топик на английском языке. Артур Конан Дойл; Arthur Conan Doyle — Топик по английскому языку. Краткая биография Артура Конан Дойля

The Life Of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Essay, Research Paper

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a British physician who later devoted his life to writing,

has become one of the most popular and widespread authors and creators of all time.

Doyle’s early childhood years to his later years in life have allowed him to observe many

sophisticated yet adventurous paths, in which have inspired him greatly to become an

influence on spiritualistic views as an author and crusader. His interests and

achievements in medicine, politics, and spiritualism have allowed him to create the

iridescent master detective of fiction, Sherlock Holmes. His creation of Sherlock Holmes

in his mystery novels has brought him fame amongst many people, even so Sherlock

Holmes may be one of the most popular and recognized characters of English Literature.

On May 22nd, 1859, Arthur Conan Doyle was born at Picardy Place, in

Edinburgh, Scotland. His father, Charles, was an architect-clerk at the Government

Office of Works in Edinburgh where he married Mary Foley in1855. Arthur had three

sisters and one brother, with quite a large family occasionally times got hard as money

grew scarce, fortunately his father sold paintings on the side to earn extra money (Jaffe

When Arthur Doyle was seven years old he was sent to school and for two years

he was toughened by the schoolmaster and his punishments of lacerations (Pearson 2).

The schoolmaster wasn’t the only thing that toughened him, he was also used to getting in

quarrels with other children and became quite a fighter, especially if he saw a bully

picking on someone smaller and weaker (Pearson 3). Along with his rugged

characteristics, young Arthur loved to read. He found himself caught up in books of

action and adventure, his favorite one being Scalp Hunters by Mayne Reid which he read

numerous times. Arthur was also somewhat interested in poetry and he showed it by

learning Macaulay’s Lay of Horatius by heart. At the age of nine, Arthur went to Hodder

the preparatory school for Stonyhurst College, which also was located in Edinburgh

(Jaffe 8). On a journey to Preston, in Lancashire, he started to feel lonely and

experienced homesickness. When he arrived at Preston, he joined a group of other kids

and was driven the remaining twelve miles with a Jesuit, a follower of Jesus in Roman

Catholicism. He stayed at Hodder for two years, where he was partially happy, then the

Franco-German War had arisen and gave him something to dream about during his

lessons. He would find himself daydreaming about fascinating adventures to escape his

regular days of studies which constantly bored him (Pearson 4).

He then went on to Stonyhurst College, where he found himself suffering in

classes of Latin, Greek, and Algebra. Near the end of his life Arthur wrote “I can say

with truth that my Latin and Greek … have been little use to me in life, and that my

mathematics have been no use at all.”(Carr 10) Doyle may not have enjoyed Latin or

Algebra, on the other hand he seemed to pick up reading and writing skills automatically.

The Jesuits who were guarding and keeping Doyle and the boys in order believed that

“dry knowledge could only be absorbed with dry food,” so the nourishment they received

was quite unappetizing (Jaffe 16). The discipline they received was pretty brutal,

because if the demands for religion were unsatisfied, and if the young men’s behavior was

not well, the Jesuits applied a more encouraging correction. Doyle remembers this

punishment quite well, through his own experience, he describes it as “the instrument of

correction, it was a piece of India-rubber of the shape and size of a thick boot sole….One

blow of this instrument, delivered with intent, would cause the palm of the hand to swell

up and change color.” Arthur had wondered if any other boys had endured more of the

brutal punishment than he. Doyle wrote “I went out of my way to do really mischievous

and outrageous things simply to show that my spirit was unbroken.” (Pearson 5) During

his stay at the college, Doyle wrote much verse that he thought was nothing but this

showed to everyone else that he had a literary gift. He was also encouraged to tell stories

to the other boys sitting in a circle, his favorite stories talking about murders and

mysteries, and he was able to captivate his audiences with his ability. Upon his last year,

he edited the College magazine, and amazed everyone by taking honors in the London

Matric before he left Stonyhurst at the age of sixteen (Carr 13).

When Doyle left Stonyhurst, he realized he had an interest and gift in writing, that

would later on greatly influence his later career. Arthur enjoyed history and literature,

and one day he was completely absorbed in a volume of Macaulay’s Essays, giving him a

new aspect of English Literature. Doyle’s last year with the Jesuits was spent at Feldkirch

in Austria, and on his way there he stopped in London to visit Westminster Abbey to see

Macaulay’s grave. Feldkirch was much kinder than Stonyhurst, so he eventually stopped

being a troublesome youth. On the average, he enjoyed his years there playing football

and tobogganing. When he left Austria in 1876, he stopped in Paris to visit an uncle,

Michael Conan, from which he got his name. He saw many wonders including the Arc de

Triomphe and other French landmarks (Wood 23).

Arthur Doyle then returned to Edinburgh, the place of his birth, and saw his

family. Soon after his arrival he decided to study medicine at Edinburgh University,

which was widely known from its medical expertise. He entered the University in

October 1876, and began studies in the “long weary grind at botany, chemistry, anatomy,

physiology, and a whole list of compulsory subjects, many of which have a very indirect

bearing upon the art of curing.”(Pearson 11) Even with his medical studies he still had

time to enjoy his interest in literature. He purchased and read many novels including;

Thackeray’s Esmond, Meredith’s Richard Feverel, and Washington Irving’s Conquest of

Granada, and many others that inquired his taste for learning. Literature was not the

only thing that impressed Doyle while attending the University, but the professors as

well. Two of the professors that appealed to Arthur were Doctor Bell, a surgeon at the

Edinburgh infirmary, and Professor Rutherford (Wood 31). What appeared to Doyle was

that Doctor Bell could “glance at a corpse on the anatomy table and deduce that the

person had been a left-handed shoemaker.” (Carr 23) These professors at the University

were a sure model for Doyle’s creation of Moriarty, Maracot, Challenger, and Holmes,

during his later writing career. Doyle’s medical studies were interrupted twice, once in

1880 when he spent seven months as a ship’s surgeon on a whaling ship in the Arctic, and

again in 1881 when he worked as a medical officer on a cargo ship bound for Africa.

During his last year at the University, Doyle met a new student by the name of George

Budd. George Budd was a key part in Doyle’s literary career, because he was amazed at

Budd’s extraordinary thinking while they were having conversations. Doyle explains that

Budd could, “at a moments notice take up any subject with intense enthusiasm, weave the

most amazing theories, carry his listeners away with him until they were gasping with

excitement, drop the subject suddenly, take up another, and repeat the process.” (Pearson

19) He then earned his Bachelor of Medicine in 1881, and setup a small medical practice

in Southsea, England in 1882. His residence in Southsea was a house called Bush Villa,

which he could live in and practice medicine. Doyle’s medical practice only had a

moderate income, but he did receive a wife from the business. He met Louise Hawkins

“a very gentle and amiable girl,” while the girls bother was suffering from cerebral

meningitis and stayed with him at Bush Villa and they were soon engaged (Wood 48) In

July of 1885, Doyle received his Doctor’s Degree after hard studies through May and

June, and on August 6th, 1885 Louise Hawkins and Arthur Conan Doyle were married.

After the marriage he continued his practice at Bush Villa, and also worked on writing

stories on the side which he could sell to magazines for a little extra money. He received

no fame from his short stories so he decided to write a novel The Narrative of John Smith

which mistakenly was lost in the mail on its way to the publisher. With the lost of his

first novel, he decided to write a second called The Firm of Girdlestone (Wood 53).

Arthur Doyle has earned his fame and glory from his creation of Sherlock Holmes

and the other characters who modeled from the professors and doctors at Edinburgh

University. The first Holmes novel being A Study in Scarlet which Doyle wrote in 1886

reflected his acquaintance with Dr. Bell. Although A Study in Scarlet was not sure of

publication because it was being rejected by the publishers, and when it did Doyle didn’t

receive much compensation for the novel which first debuted in “Beetons Xmas Annual”

in 1887. While waiting for it to be published by itself, Doyle decided to write on a

historical theme (Jaffe 37). He first started and finished Micah Clarke early in 1888, and

during his writing time A Study in Scarlet had been published and released. A Study in

Scarlet had great reviews and was cherished in the United States at the time, but Doyle

continued writing historical novels like, The White Company (Jaffe 41). Doyle believed

that Charles Reade’s The Cloister and the Hearth was the greatest novel in the English

Language, mainly because the author takes the reader by the hand and leads him through

the Middle Ages, “and not a conventional study-built Middle Ages, but a period quivering

with life, full of folk who are as human and real as a bus-load in Oxford Street.”(Pearson

79) In many of Doyle’s works he tried to incorporate Reade’s talents at writing, and he

wrote a lot of short stories, which eventually appeared in The Captain of the Polestar as a

collection. In 1890, the birth of his daughter Mary was also in good times for he was

happy with his literature, his practice, and his marriage (Wood 67). In 1890, Doyle

returned to his old home in Devonshire Terrace where his character Sherlock Holmes

began in his tales to earn world wide fame, after he gave up the medical profession for

good. He continued writing about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson’s adventures in The

Sign of Four and a collection of short stories gathered together to make The Strand which

made Holmes a household name (Higham 71). In 1891, Doyle was sickened with

influenza, and upon his recovery decided to move to South Norwood. This was where

Doyle’s son Kingsley was born in 1892. Arthur Doyle went traveling from 1893 to 1897,

when he went to the United States and gave speeches from Boston to

Washington(Higham 89). Doyle learned many new things about the rest of the world. In

June 1897 they moved back to “Undershaw” or so he called it because “it stood under a

hanging grove of trees,” in England. He continued his writing and found himself

involved in the Boer War as a civilian doctor. After he defended British policy in the

Boer War by writing two works, one entitled The Cause and Conduct of the War in South

Africa, he was knighted in 1902 and appointed Deputy-Lieutenant of Surrey (Pearson

131). His wife’s health had been failing and in 1906 she died. He remarried in

September 1907 to Jean Leckie, whose family he had known for sometime. He then

decided to move again to be near his wife’s people so they moved to Crowborough (Jaffe

101). Arthur and his wife lived happily and had three children; Denis, Adrian, and Lena

Jean. Doyle realized he would have to support two families so he soon started writing for

plays in theaters (Wood 113). Doyle then continued his family life and occasionally

traveled abroad to different countries. When his son died in World War I, Arthur began

to have an interest in spiritualism and life after death. He went on believing and writing

for spiritualism and he soon fell to illness. Arthur Conan Doyle died on July 7th, 1930,

but to him it was not death but the start of the grandest adventure ever. Eighteen years

before he died, he wrote his own epitaph without intending it as such:(Pearson 188)

I have wrought my simple plan

If I give one hour of joy

To the boy who’s half a man,

Or the man who’s half a boy.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle literary works have been fully influenced throughout his

entire life. From his early childhood of adventure and wonder, to his schooling at

Stonyhurst and Edinburgh, to all the people he has met, including the most important Dr.

Bell who was later made into Sherlock Holmes in his writing. His unique ability to

create a living character and also a living author as Dr. John H. Watson from which view

the mysteries are told will leave him a permanent mark in English Literature.

Carr, John Dickson. The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. New York: Harper &

Costello, Peter. The Real World of Sherlock Holmes. New York: Carroll & Graf

Publishers Inc., 1991.

Harrison, Michael. In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes. New York: Drake Publishers,

Higham, Charles. The Aventures of Conan Doyle. New York, Norton Publishers, 1976.

Jaffe, Jacqueline A. Arthur Conan Doyle. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1987.

Keating, H.R.F. Sherlock Holmes/The Man and His World. New York: Charles

Scribners Sons, 1979.

Pearson, Hesketh. Conan Doyle/His Life and Art. New York: Taplinger Publishing Co.,

Rosenberg, Samuel. Naked is the Best Disguise:The Death and Ressurection of Sherlock

Holmes. London: Arlington Books, 1975.

Wood, James Playsted. The Man who Hated Sherlock Holmes; A Life of Sir Arthur

Conan Doyle. New York: Pantheon Books, 1965.

Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer and physician, most noted for his fictional stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are generally considered milestones in the field of crime fiction.

Arthur Conan Doyle short biography

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859 at 11 Picardy Place, Edinburgh, Scotland.

At the age of 9, Doyle bid a tearful goodbye to his parents and was shipped off to England, where he would attend Hodder Place, Stonyhurst-a Jesuit preparatory school-from 1868 to 1870. Doyle then went on to study at Stonyhurst College for the next five years. For Doyle, the boarding-school experience was brutal: many of his classmates bullied him, and the school practiced ruthless corporal punishment against its students. Over time, Doyle found solace in his flair for storytelling, and developed an eager audience of younger students.

Medical Education and Career

After attending Stonyhurst College, he entered Edinburgh University as a medical student in 1876 and received a doctor of medicine degree in 1885. In his spare time, however, he began to write stories, which were published anonymously (without a name) in various magazines from 1878 to 1880.
During Doyle’s third year of medical school, he took a ship surgeon’s post on a whaling ship sailing for the Arctic Circle. The voyage awakened Doyle’s sense of adventure, a feeling that he incorporated into a story, Captain of the Pole Star.

In 1880, Doyle returned to medical school. Back at the University of Edinburgh, Doyle became increasingly invested in Spiritualism or “Psychic religion,” a belief system that he would later attempt to spread through a series of his written works. By the time he received his Bachelor of Medicine degree in 1881, Doyle had denounced his Roman Catholic faith.

Doyle’s first paying job as a doctor took the form of a medical officer’s position aboard the steamship Mayumba, travelling from Liverpool to Africa. After his stint on the Mayumba, Doyle settled in Plymouth, England for a time. When his funds were nearly tapped out, he relocated to Portsmouth and opened his first practice. He spent the next few years struggling to balance his burgeoning medical career with his efforts to gain recognition as an author. Doyle would later give up medicine altogether, in order to devote all of his attention to his writing and his faith.

Personal Life Arthur Conan Doyle

In 1885 Doyle married Mary Louise Hawkins. She suffered from tuberculosis and died on 4 July 1906. The following year he married Jean Elizabeth Leckie, whom he had first met and fallen in love with in 1897. He had maintained a platonic relationship with Jean while his first wife was still alive, out of loyalty to her. Jean died in London on 27 June 1940.

Doyle fathered five children.
He had two with his first wife: Mary Louise and Arthur Alleyne Kingsley, known as Kingsley.
He also had three with his second wife: Denis Percy Stewart; Adrian Malcolm; and Jean Lena Annette.

Writing Career Arthur Conan Doyle

In 1886, newly married and still struggling to make it as an author, Doyle started writing the mystery novel A Tangled Skein. Two years later, the novel was renamed A Study in Scarlet and published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual. A Study in Scarlet, which first introduced the wildly popular characters Detective Sherlock Holmes and his assistant, Watson, finally earned Doyle the recognition he had so desired. It was the first of 60 stories that Doyle would pen about Sherlock Holmes over the course of his writing career. Also, in 1887, Doyle submitted two letters about his conversion to Spiritualism to a weekly periodical called Light.

Doyle continued to actively participate in the Spiritualist movement from 1887 to 1916, during which time he wrote three books that experts consider largely autobiographical. These include Beyond the City (1893), The Stark Munro Letters (1895) and A Duet with an Occasional Chorus (1899). Upon achieving success as a writer, Doyle decided to retire from medicine. Throughout this period, he additionally produced a handful of historical novels including one about the Napoleonic Era called The Great Shadow in 1892, and his most famous historical novel, Rodney Stone, in 1896.

The prolific author also composed four of his most popular Sherlock Holmes books during the 1890s and early 1900s: The Sign of Four (1890), The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892), The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1894) and The Hounds of Baskervilles, published in 1901. In 1893, to Doyle’s readers’ disdain, he had attempted to kill off his Sherlock Holmes character in order to focus more on writing about Spiritualism. In 1901, however, Doyle reintroduced Sherlock Holmes as a ghost in The Hounds of Baskervilles and later brought him back to life in The Adventure of the Empty House so the lucrative character could earn Doyle the money to fund his missionary work. Doyle also strove to spread his faith through a series of written works, consisting of The New Revolution (1918), The Vital Message (1919), The Wanderings of a Spiritualist (1921) and History of Spiritualism (1926).

In 1928, Doyle’s final twelve stories about Sherlock Holmes were published in a compilation entitled The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes.

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Биография Артура Конан Дойла

Артур Игнатиус Конан Дойл (1859 — 1930) – известный английский писатель. Создатель более семидесяти книг: рассказы, романы, повести, стихи. Произведения приключенческого, научно-фантастического, юмористического жанров.

Он родился в Отец Чарльз Алтамонт Дойл — талантливый художник, работал клерком. Из-за его увлечения алкоголем и неустойчивой психики, семья жила небогато.

1868 год. Обеспеченные родственники отправили Артура учиться в школу в Ходдере. В одиннадцать лет он переходит на следующую ступень обучения — католическую школу в Стоунихерст. В школе обучали семи предметам и практиковали суровые наказания.

Тяжелый период обучения парень разнообразит написанием историй, которые понравятся другим студентам. Он любил активный отдых, особенно крикет и гольф. Занятия спортом сопровождали его всю жизнь, сюда можно добавить езду на велосипеде, бильярд.

Начало творческого пути

1876 г. — Артур поступает в медицинский университет, выбрав карьеру доктора вопреки тому, что семейство посвятило себя литературе и искусству. Одновременно с учебой он работал в аптеке, материально помогая семье. Много читал, продолжая писать.

1879 г. — рассказ «Тайна долины Сэсасса» принес Дойлу первый заработок от литературного творчества. К этому времени он становится единственной опорой матери, так как заболевший отец попадает в больницу.

1880 г. — он отправляется хирургом в плавание на судне «Надежда», которое занимается китовым промыслом. Семь месяцев работы принесли ему 50 фунтов.

1881 г. — становится бакалавром медицины, но чтобы стать доктором необходима была практика.

1882 г. — работал врачом в Плимуте, затем переезд в Портсмут, где появляется его первая практика. Работы сначала было немного, что дало ему возможность писать для души.

Писательская карьера

Дойл продолжает свою литературную деятельность. Известность ему приносит вышедший в свет «Этюд в багровых тонах». Персонажи Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон становятся героями новых историй.

В 1891 г. Дойл прощается с медициной, и погружается в творчество писателя. Набирает ход его популярность после выхода очередного произведения «Человек с рассеченной губой». Журнал, в котором публикуют рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе, просит автора написать еще шесть историй об этом персонаже, выплачивая сумму в 50 фунтов.

Артур через какое-то время начинает тяготиться циклом, считая, что эти произведения отвлекают от написания других серьезных работ, но договор о написании рассказов выполняет.

Через год журнал опять просит его написать серию рассказов о Шерлоке. Гонорар автора составляет 1000 фунтов. Усталость, связанная с поиском сюжета для нового рассказа, побуждает Артура к «убийству» главного героя. После завершения цикла об известном сыщике от приобретения журнала отказывается 20 тысяч читателей.

В 1892 г. пьеса «Ватерлоо» выходит на подмостках театров. Поставленная по второй его пьесе оперетта «Джейн Анни, или Приз за хорошее поведение» провалилась. Сомневаясь в своих способностях к написанию пьес, Дойл соглашается читать лекции литературной тематики по всей Англии.

  • 1894 г. — проводит лекции по городам Соединенных Штатов. В последующие годы он много пишет, но особое внимание уделяет здоровью супруги Луизы;
  • 1902 г. — выходит произведение «Собака Баскервилей». Тогда же Конан Дойлу король Эдвард VII присвоил титул рыцаря за участие военным врачом в англо-бурской войне;
  • 1910 г. — на сцену выходят очередные произведения «Пестрая лента» и другие.

В течение следующих лет он продолжает писать литературные произведения, политические очерки. Посещает Америку, Голландию и другие страны. Самыми популярными стали произведения о Шерлоке Холмсе, хотя сам он считал своим достижением исторические романы.

Артур Конан Дойл: биография (видео)

Личная жизнь

Писатель был дважды женат. Его первая супруга Луиза Хокинс умерла от туберкулеза в 1906 г. Через год Дойл женится на Джин Лекки,в которую был тайно влюблен с 1897 г. Он был отцом пятерых детей.

One of the most vivid and enduring characters in English fiction.

Sherlock Holmes: Fact or Fiction?

Sherlock Holmes lived in London.

Conan Doyle, the second of Charles Altamont and Mary Foley Doyle’s 10 children, began seven years of Jesuit education in Lancashire, in 1868. After an additional year of schooling in Feldkirch, Austria, Conan Doyle returned to Edinburgh. Through the influence of Dr. Bryan Charles Waller, his mother’s lodger, he prepared for entry into the University of Edinburgh’s Medical School. He received Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Surgery qualifications from Edinburgh in 1881 and an M.D. in 1885 upon completing his thesis, “An Essay upon the Vasomotor Changes in Tabes Dorsalis .”

While a medical student, Conan Doyle was deeply impressed by the skill of his professor, Dr. Joseph Bell, in observing the most minute detail regarding a patient’s condition. This master of diagnostic deduction became the model for Conan Doyle’s literary creation, who first appeared in A Study in Scarlet , a novel-length story published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual of 1887. Other aspects of Conan Doyle’s and experiences appear in his semiautobiographical novels, The Firm of Girdlestone (1890) and The Stark Munro Letters (1895), and in the collection of medical short stories Round the Red Lamp (1894). (See also .) Conan Doyle’s creation of the logical, cold, calculating Holmes, the “world’s first and only consulting detective,” sharply contrasted with the paranormal beliefs Conan Doyle addressed in a short of this period, The Mystery of Cloomber (1889). Conan Doyle’s early interest in both scientifically supportable evidence and certain paranormal phenomena exemplified the complex diametrically opposing beliefs he struggled with throughout his life.

c. 1900. © Photos.com/Thinkstock

Driven by public clamour, Conan Doyle continued writing Sherlock Holmes adventures through 1926. His short stories were collected in several volumes, and he also wrote novels (e.g., , serialized 1901–02) that feature Holmes and his assistant, . Conan Doyle, however, claimed the success of Holmes overshadowed the merit he believed his other historical fiction deserved, most notably his tale of 14th-century chivalry , (1891), its companion piece, Sir Nigel (1906), and his adventures of the Napoleonic war hero and the 19th-century skeptical scientist Professor George Edward Challenger.

When his passions ran high, Conan Doyle also turned to nonfiction. His works included military writings, The Great Boer War (1900) and The British Campaign in France and Flanders , 6 vol. (1916–20), and subjects such as the Belgian atrocities in the Congo during ’s reign, in The Crime of the Congo (1909), as well as his involvement in the actual criminal cases of George Edalji and Oscar Slater.

Conan Doyle married Louisa Hawkins in 1885, and together they had two children, Mary and Kingsley. A year after Louisa’s death in 1906, he married Jean Leckie and with her had three children, Denis, Adrian, and Jean. Conan Doyle was knighted in 1902 for his work with a field hospital in , and other services during the .

Conan Doyle himself viewed his most important efforts to be his campaign in support of , the religion and psychic research subject based upon the belief that spirits of the departed continued to exist in the hereafter and can be contacted by those still living. He donated the majority of his literary efforts and profits later in his life to this campaign, beginning with The New Revelation (1918) and The Vital Message (1919). He later chronicled his travels in supporting the spiritualist cause in The Wanderings of a Spiritualist (1921), Our American Adventure (1923), Our Second American Adventure (1924), and Our African Winter (1929). He discussed other spiritualist issues in his Case for Spirit Photography (1922), Pheneas Speaks (1927), and a two-volume The History of Spiritualism (1926). Conan Doyle became the world’s most-renowned proponent of spiritualism, but he faced considerable opposition for his conviction from the magician and in a 1920 debate with the humanist Joseph McCabe. Even spiritualists joined in criticizing Conan Doyle’s article “The Evidence for Fairies,” published in The Strand Magazine in 1921, and his subsequent book The Coming of the Fairies (1922), in which he voiced support for the claim that two young girls, Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths, had photographed actual fairies that they had seen in the Yorkshire village of Cottingley.

Many years ago a young doctor began to write stories about a man who was a detective. Readers liked his stories because they were very interesting and the doctor decided to become a writer. The doctor was Conan Doyle and he wrote about Sherlock Holmes.

Conan Doyle wrote his first story about Sherlock Holmes in 1887. In this story the detective meets his friend Dr. Watson. Holmes and Watson lived at 221 В Baker Street in London.

Many discussions take place about where 221 В was. There is no house there now. But a large company has its office near the place. This company answers twenty or so letters which still come every week to Sherlock Holmes, 221 В Baker Street Most come from the United States and many people ask if Mr. Holmes can help them with some problem.

The company answers saying that, “Mr. Sherlock Holmes is no longer working as a detective”.

There is a pub in London called Sherlock Holmes. One of the rooms in the pub is Sherlock Holmes’ room. It has many things the room in Conan Doyle’s stories had - Holmes’ hat, some letters written to Sherlock Holmes, chairs and tables like those described in the stories. Besides, there are some pictures of Holmes and Conan Doyle, of actors who played Holmes and Watson in films, on television and radio.

In 1961 lovers of Sherlock Holmes formed the Sherlock Holmes Society. They meet three or four times a year to talk about Sherlock Holmes. The members of the Society know the stories about Sherlock Holmes very well, and they discuss these stories at their meetings.

Конан Дойл (перевод)

Много лет назад молодой врач начал писать рассказы о человеке, который был детективом. Читателям понравились его рассказы, потому что они были очень интересные, и доктор решил стать писателем. Этим врачом был Конан Дойл, а писал он о Шерлоке Холмсе.

Конан Дойл написал свой первый рассказ о Шерлоке Холмсе в 1887 г. В этом рассказе сыщик встречает своего друга доктора Ватсона. Холмс и Ватсон жили в Лондоне на Бейкерстрит, 2216.

Было много дискуссий по поводу того, где находится дом 2216. Сейчас там нет здания. Но недалеко от этого места находится офис большой компании. В компанию приходит около двадцати писем каждую неделю на имя Шерлока Холмса, Бейкерстрит 2216, и она отвечает на них. Большинство писем приходит из Соединенных Штатов. Многие люди просят мистера Шерлока Холмса помочь им в некоторых проблемах.

Компания отвечает, что мистер Шерлок Холмс больше не работает детективом.

В Лондоне есть пивная, которая называется «Шерлок Холмс». Одна из комнат в пивной - комната Шерлока Холмса. В ней есть много вещей, которые были в его комнате в рассказах Конан Доила - шляпа Холмса, несколько писем, адресованных Шерлоку Холмсу, стулья и столы, описанные в рассказах. Кроме того, имеются несколько фотографий Холмса и Конан Дойла, актеров, которые играли Холмса и Ватсона в фильмах, на телевидении и радио.

В1961 г. поклонники Шерлока Холмса организовали Общество Шерлока Холмса. Они встречаются три или четыре раза в год, чтобы поговорить о Шерлоке Холмсе. Члены общества хорошо знают рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе и обсуждают их на собраниях.

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