Болезни Военный билет Призыв

Внешнеторговый контракт купли-продажи (пример). Экспортный контракт купли-продажи товара

Individual employer Myrimov A.A.,___ , Russia, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", and company _____________, Italy, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", represented by Mr. _______________, have concluded the present Contract for the following:

1.1. The Seller is selling and the Buyer is purchasing the equipment: 4 (four) second hand twisters mod. T2TR-99, according to the Annex N.1, which is an integral part of the Contract, hereinafter referred to as "the Goods".

2.1. The price of the Goods is defined in EUR: 14.000,00 EUR/one machine. Total Contract Price: EUR 56.000,00 (fifty six thousand euro).
2.2. The price is to be understood FCA - Crespellano
2.3. The Buyer bears all costs arising from customs clearance of the Goods.
2.4. The price of the Goods remains fixed on all validity of the Contract.

3.1. Payment upon the present Contract is effected by the Buyer in the following way:
- 30% advance payment for amount of EUR 16.800,00 payable within 15 days from the signing of the present contract.
- 70% advance payment for amount of EUR 39.200,00 payable before shipment of the Goods

4.1. The Seller supplies the Goods to the Buyer on FCA - Crespellano terms (according to INCOTERMS - 2000).
4.2. Terms of delivery of the Goods: within 30 days from the advance payment receipt.
4.3. The Seller is obliged to transfer with Goods to the Buyer the following documents:
- Invoice - 4 originals;
- Packing List - 2 originals;
- CMR – 1 copy;
- Technical documentation of the Goods -1 copy.

5.1.The Parties will be released from their responsibility for partial or complete non-execution of their liabilities under the present Contract, should this non-execution be caused by the following circumstances: fire, flood, earthquake or other natural phenomena as well as war actions, blockade, prohibition acts of higher state and executive bodies or other circumstances which are behind the Parties control under the present Contract. Terms of their obligations fulfillment should be extended for a period equal to that during which such circumstances last.
Thus the term of execution of obligations under this Contract is moved in proportion to time of actions of such circumstances and their consequences.
5.2.The Party which is unable to fulfill its obligations under this Contract is to inform immediately, but not later than in 15 days, the other Party in written form on the occurrence and cessation of the above circumstances, which hinder from the contract partial or complete fulfillment.
The corresponding Chamber of Commerce should confirm the above-mentioned notification. In case the suffered party doesn"t do such a notification within the indicated period, it denudes it of the right to make reference to such circumstances.
5.3.If as a result of force-majeure circumstances delay in delivery of one party will be more than 2 (two) months, the other party has a right to annul the Contract or any of its parts. However, using such a right, the parties can meet and to come to an agreement concerning conditions of avoidance.

6.1.Any disputes arising from this contract or in connection with it should be settled between the parties by negotiations.
6.2.If both parties cannot come to an agreement, the International Commercial Court of Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce in Sweden, Stockholm shall decide the dispute in accordance with its rules.
6.3.The decision of the International Commercial Court of Arbitration shall be final and binding for both parties.

7.1.Any amendments and additions to this contract shall be made in writing, signed by an authorized representative of the present contract, and in this case they should be an integral part of the contract.
7.2.The integral part of the given Contract is: the Annex N. 1
7.3.This contract as well as other documents may be manually signed and transmitted by fax o e-mail. If legal addresses or bank details change, both parties shall give notice within 5 days by fax or telegraph.
7.4.This contract is signed in 2 copies, in the Russian and English languages, one copy for each party, both texts being equally valid.
7.5.This Contract is valid until 31.12.2010.

The Buyer:
Individual employer Myrimov A.A. Russia, ________________________
Тel./fax: +7 (___) _______
Taxpayer Identification Number ________.
The Buyer"s bank: ______________
SWIFT: _______________
Transit currency account № __________.
The Seller: "____________"
ITALY _______________
Tel.: +39 {_____) _____ Fax: +39 (____) ________
The Seller"s bank: _____________
ACCOUNT NR. ____________
SWIFT BIS: ______________
___________________ S----- S------
(Executive Director)

To the Contract № 101-10 dtd "23" March 2010
Machine suitable for making multi-threaded twisted yarns from 5000 up to 100000 deniers from synthetic and natural fibres.
Starting from yarn spools or bobbin.
D.C. driving motors.
Screw box complete with ratios change for spools 10"
Dimensions, cm: 290X120X150
Gross weigh, kg: 1220
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Net tension 380 V 50 Hz 3-Phase
THE SELLER _____________
THE BUYER _______________

CONTRACT № 0303-09

Moscow on March, 03 th 2009

Company «1» , here in after referred to as the „Buyer” on behalf in the person of its Representative ........., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand and «2» (further – „SELLER”), on behalf in the person of its represented by: General Director .................. on the other hand, have concluded the present Contract (further – Contract) as follows:

1. Subject of the contract
1.1. The SELLER carries out delivery of for the baths and whirlpool, quantity and under the prices defined in Appendices to the present contract, being its integral part.

2. The total amount of the contract
2.1. The total amount of the contract makes 70000 (seventy thousand) euro.
Cost of container, packing and marks, stacking, loading in to the truck.
The parties release each other from obligations on insurance of a cargo under the present contract.

3. Terms of Delivery
3.1. The goods is delivered by parties under the schedule coordinating by the parties on conditions EWX.
3.2. The Rules of Interpretation of Trading terms - ("Incoterms 2000 ") have a order character for the parties for the present contract.
3.3 Date of the transport document (CMR, TIR).
3.4. The SELLER has the right to deliver at own discretion the goods personally or to charge shipment to the third parties.
3.5. The BUYER is obliged to accept delivery from any of Shippers, offered by the SELLER, if it is stipulated in the appendix to the contract on a concrete party of the goods.

4. Payment
4.1. Payment is carried out by the Buyer within 10 (ten) days from the moment of exhibiting the invoice and confirmation of shipment .
4.2. In need of delivery of the goods on the terms of 100 % of an advance payment, the Seller not later than 10 days before shipment by any communication facility available at its order informs on it the Buyer by exhibiting to the Buyer of the account-proforma at a rate of 100 % from a total sum of the delivered goods. In this case the Goods should be put the Buyer or return of an advance payment not later than 60 days from advance payment date is carried out.
4.3. The Parties provide possibility of a partial advance payment.
4.4. Payment is carried out in US dollars by a remittance from the account of the BUYER into the account of the SELLER.
4.5. The parties bear all bank expenses connected with transfer of money resources, everyone in the its territory.

5. Quality of Goods
5.1. The quality of the Goods should correspond completely to standards, operating in the country-importer and to make sure the documents given out by authority organs of origin country.

6. Packing and Marking
6.1. Goods have to be packed, appropriately sealed and marked to ensure their proper identification and safety during transportation, reloading and/or storage.
6.2. Packing should provide full safety of the Goods and protect it from damage during transportation by all types of transport.
6.3. Marks of the goods carried out by its manufacturer.

7. Shipment Order
7.1. The SELLER informs the BUYER about the readiness of goods for the shipment no later than 10 (ten) days before the planned date of shipment.
7.2. The name of the goods, quantity of cargo packages, quantity of packing, gross weight and net are specified in accompanying documents. The some correction, additional writings and cleanings in the specified documents are not supposed.
7.3. After goods shipment but not later than in 24 hours, the SELLER by any ways sends to the BUYER of commercial documents originals on the shipped party of the goods, which are necessary for customs registration in the country of the importer:
- the commercial invoice in 2 copy
- the account-proforma in 2 copy

8. Acceptance of Goods
8.1. Acceptance of Goods is effected:
- Quantity of places, in accordance with quantity, indicated in the shipping documents;
- Quantity of articles, in accordance with specification and packing list;
- Quality, in accordance with p.5 of present Contract.

9. Penal Sanctions
9.1. From the part of the SELLER:
9.1.1. In case the delivery is not effected in the stipulated dates, the SELLER pays out to the BUYER penalty at the rate of 0,1% from the total value of non delivered goods per every day provision.
9.1.2. In case the expiration date exceeds 14 (fourteen) days, the SELLER pays out to the BUYER at the rate of 0,2% from the total value of non delivered goods per an every day penalty provision.
9.1.3. In case the expiration date of all goods or part of it exceeds 30 (thirty) days stipulated by the present contract and it’s Appendixes, the SELLER pays out to the BUYER the penalty at the rate of 0,5% from the total value of the contract or its non delivered part per an every day penalty provision.
9.1.4. The payment of the penalty does not release the SELLER from responsibility of fulfilling the present contact.
9.1.5. In case delivered goods do not correspond to the quality against the present contract, the SELLER pays out to the BUYER the penalty at the rate of 0,1% from initial cost of defective articles.
9.1.6. The Penalty payment of default of contract conditions does not release the SELLER from reparation of damages caused to the BUYER because of non observance of contract conditions and obligations by the SELLER.
9.2. From the part of the BUYER:
9.2.1. In case the payment is not effected in the stipulated dates against the present contract, the SELLER has the right to request the BUYER to pay out penalty at the rate of 0,1% from the total value of non paid goods per an everyday.
9.2.2. If the expiration date exceeds more than 14 (fourteen) days, the SELLER has the right to request the BUYER to pay out penalty at the rate of 0,2% from the total value of non paid goods per an everyday.
9.2.3. Payment of the penalty does not release the BUYER from responsibility of fulfilling the present contact.

10. Force majeure
10.1. The parties are released from responsibility for partial or complete nonfulfillment of their liabilities under the present contract, if the execution is caused by the circumstances of Force Majeure, appeared after conclusion of the contract, and none of parties could foresee or prevent them by reasonable measures.
10.2. Force Majeure circumstances are those events that the parties could not influence and for those they do not carry out the responsibility.
10.3. During Force Majeure circumstances the parties are released from their responsibilities and the sanctions for non fulfillment of their obligations are not adjusted.

11. Disputes
11.1. All the controversies and claims, because of the present contract are solved by negotiations. In case the disputes are not regulated by negotiations – they are transfered to Arbitration of Moscow and Moscow region.
11.2. Applicable right against the present contract is the legislation of Russian Federation.

12. Other Conditions
12.1. Each Party is not entitled to transfer the authority and responsibilities to the third person without written agreement of the other Party against the present Contract.
12.2. Any add-ins or changes to the present Contract can be made only in writing by mutual agreement and signed by authorized person from both Parties.
12.3. The Contract is formed in duplicate for each of the Party and have equal legal force.
12.4. The present Contract comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid during 2 (two) years from the indicated date .

ВТК-Трейд – международная транспортная компания, предоставляющая широкий спектр логистических и посреднических услуг. Мы организуем надежную и выгодную доставку груза из Китая в Россию, предоставляем помощь в оформлении необходимой документации, сертификации, консолидации, хранению и растаможке товаров и другие сопутствующие услуги.

Грузоперевозки из Китая и других стран Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона осуществляются любыми возможными видами транспорта: авиационным, морским, железнодорожным и автомобильным. Квалифицированные специалисты компании ВТК-Трейд подберут для вас оптимальный маршрут перевозки и наиболее подходящие варианты транспортировки, рассчитают полную стоимость импорта из Китая, Японии, Южной Кореи или других стран, возьмут на себя хлопоты по таможенному оформлению. Прием грузов осуществляется на складах в г. Суйфэньхэ, г. Гуанчжоу, г. Пекине.

Благодаря многолетнему опыту работы и успешному сотрудничеству с солидными зарубежными партнерами мы реализуем логистические задачи любой сложности. Организуем экспресс доставку, если клиенту требуется быстрая поставка партии товара. Если в приоритете у заказчика низкая стоимость оптовой поставки из Китая, то подберем наиболее экономичные варианты. Мы работаем с самыми разными типами товаров: от негабаритных объектов, таких как станки или громоздкое оборудование, до самых мелких партий, которые могут быть доставлены получателю в составе сборных грузов.

Компания ВТК-Трейд также предоставляет своим клиентам ряд посреднических услуг. Мы поможем вам найти достойных поставщиков и наладить прямые поставки товаров из Китая и других азиатских стран. Наше преимущество – удачное расположение в центре транспортных путей на Дальнем Востоке, связывающих пограничные переходы Транссибирской магистрали с государственной трассой Владивосток-Хабаровск и все морские торговые порты Приморья. Это позволяет нам организовать доставку грузов из Китая в кратчайшие сроки.

Наши клиенты могут воспользоваться любыми услугами грузоперевозки, а также полным логистическим аутсорсингом от ВТК-Трейд. Мы возьмем на себя весь процесс международной доставки: от оформления заказа у поставщика, консолидации и хранения товара на наших зарубежных складах, сертификации, страхования и декларирования, разработки маршрута, погрузки и транспортировки, вплоть до доставки и разгрузки непосредственно на склад клиента.

Мы работаем индивидуально с каждым заказчиком, реализуя не только уже отработанные логистические схемы, но и разрабатывая новые – с учетом всех потребностей и пожеланий клиента. Наши приоритеты: надежность и безопасность груза, экономическая целесообразность и доставка точно в указанные сроки.

Если у вас остались вопросы – обращайтесь, наши специалисты всегда открыты для общения с партнерами и предоставят вам полноценную консультацию по любым интересующим деталям!

Moscow «____»________ 200_

Company «________________» registered ___________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “SELLER”), represented by_________________, ______________, due to the power of the statement on the one hand, and OOO “_______” (hereinafter referred to as the “BUYER”), represented by _______________, General Director, due to the statement on the other hand, have concluded the Present Contract on the following:

1. Subject of the contract

The SELLER is to ship and the BUYER is to buy products (hereinafter referred to as the “GOODS”) on terms delivery basis (Incoterms-2000) in accordance with the specification given in SUPPLEMENT #1 attached to the Present Contract and constitute an integral part thereof, for the whole amount ____________ (________________) USD up to _________________.

2. Price and total amount of the contract.

2.1. All the prices are specified in the SELLER’s proposals and fixed in US dollars. The SELLER has a right to change prices in case of informing the BUYER two weeks before these changes.

2.2. The total amount of the Present Contract is ______________ (________________________) USD and is to be firm and not subject to any alterations even if the SELLER changes prices for the duration of the Present Contract.

2.3. After signing and fulfillment of the Present Contract all the expenses, including custom dues, are paid by the parties on their own territories.

3. Terms of delivery

3.1. Delivery terms: delivery basis.

3.2. GOODS are delivered in lots formed in the assortment, based on BUYER’s orders and availability of GOODS in the SELLER’s stock.

3.3. The order considered to be implemented if the SELLER makes out a pro forma invoice to the BUYER.

3.4. Invoice comes into power after the BUYER confirms its payment.

3.5. The SELLER shall ship the GOODS from manufacturer warehouse within 5 days after BUYER’s confirmation of the invoice.

The SELLER shall inform the BUYER of the fact of shipment as soon as possible and shall provide following information: Date of shipment; Contract No.; Name of Vessel, No. of Document of Title, Description, Number and Weight of the GOODS.

In case the GOODS are not shipped within 5 days after BUYER’s confirmation of the Invoice, the SELLER is to pay the BUYER the fine 0,1% of the cost of non-shipped GOODS.

In case the GOODS are not shipped within 30 days after BUYER’s confirmation of the Invoice, the BUYER has a right to refuse these GOODS.

3.6. The right of ownership for the GOODS shall pass to the BUYER at the moment of ___________ (according to the delivery basis).

4. Terms of payment

4.1.The BUYER shall pay 100% of the Invoice within 90 calendar days after executing records on customs clearance is completed.

If failing to pay on time, the BUYER is to pay the SELLER the fine 0,1% of the Invoice, which was not paid on time.

Payments in advance are available if both parties have agreed. In case of non-delivery SELLER is to reimburse the amount of the payment in advance not later than 90 days from the day BUYER made the payment.

4.2. All payments under this Contract are made in US dollars by bank remittance to the SELLER’s account.

5. Packing and Marking

5.1. The GOODS shall be packed and marked in accordance with the demands of each kind of the GOODS.

Internal and external packing shall secure full safety of the GOODS and protect them against any breakage and damage as well as atmospheric effects.

Each carton used for packing the GOODS shall be marked three sides: top one and two opposite to each other side sides. All the covering documents such as Packing and Specification Lists as well as Marking and Technical Documentation shall be written down in English.

6. Acceptance of the GOODS

6.1. The GOODS are considered as delivered by the SELLER and accepted by the BUYER:

as to number of packages - according to shipment documents;

as to quality - according to the Quality Certificate issued by the SELLER.

6.2. Final acceptance is to be made in the territory of the BUYER.

The GOODS are being accepted:

as to number of packages - on receipt of the GOODS from a Forwarder (Carrier);

per quality of items - not later than two weeks after receiving the GOODS and the moment of opening the package;

as to quality - not later than one month after opening the package.

6.3. Acceptance of the GOODS shall be made by the official representative of the BYUER in the presence of, if necessary, the official representative of the Chamber of Commerce (at BUYER’s discretion) with the execution of the report of acceptance.

7. Quality and Warranty

7.1. The quality of the GOODS shall conform to the Quality Certificate issued by the supplier.

7.2. For the GOODS being in need of special warranty, the warranty period is fixed within 12 months from the date of delivery.

7.3. Should the GOODS within the guarantee period prove to be defective or not corresponding to the Terms and Conditions of the Present Contract, the SELLER shall eliminate defects or replace defective parts. The costs on the delivery of defective parts back to the SELLER are covered by the BUYER.

8. Claims

8.1. The BUYER can claim the SELLER for quantity as well as for quality within two weeks from the date of acceptance.

For the GOODS ensured by a warranty period claims can be made 30 days after warranty period expires in case if the BUYER has found defects within this warranty period.

8.2. The claims must be proved by the Certificate drawn up by a competent independent expert Organization.

8.3. The SELLER is to examine and fulfill the claim within 20 days on receipt of the claim.

9. Force-majeur

If in the case of the Force-majeur circumstances, namely fire, natural calamity, blockade, embargo on exports or Imports, or some other ones not dependent on the Parties, the full or partial execution of this Contract becomes impossible by any of the participants, the period of the obligations execution is extended in correlation with the time frame of the Force-majeur circumstances.

If such circumstances and their consequences should continue for more than three months each of the Parties in this Contract shall have the right to reject all future obligations stipulated in the Contract. Neither Party shall have the right to claim compensation for damages related to these circumstances from the other Party.

Either Party who finds it impossible due to such circumstances to accomplish their obligations according to this Contract shall immediately inform the other Party by both electronic means and registered mail of the Force-majeur circumstances. A certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce of an appropriate geographical entity, related to either the SELLER’s or BUYERS" countries, shall serve as proper proof of the existence of a Force-majeur and its duration.

10. Other terms

10.1. The SELLER is entitled to transfer its Contract obligations to a third party after the BUYER is to be informed about it by fax.

10.2. The present Contract can be changed or annulled only after both parties’ written consent.

All amendments and additions to the Present Contract are its inherent parts and valid only if they are made in writing and signed by both parties.

10.3. After signing the Present Contract all previous negotiations and correspondence between the parties in connection with it shall be considered null and void. The present contract exists in two copies. All of them (Russian and English) have equal juridical validity.

10.4. The Duration of the Present Contract: The Present Contract comes to power from the moment of being signed and is valid until ______________.

11. Annotation

In order to make this Present Contract work more effectively, both parties announce that documents sent by fax are valid till the original documents arrival, but not longer than 180 calendar days, after 180 days being over, the original documents are to be presented to the other party. Extension in validity by fax is not allowed.

12. Legal address and Bank Requisites of the Parties

In case of bank requisites being changed by any of the parties, the other party shall be informed about it in writing and within 10 days an ADDENDUM to the Present Contract with new Bank requisites is to be made and signed by both parties.

SELLER (Продавец):